Outside Art 3D

In fall 2009 Hoppala joined the second Layar Beta Developers Programm to work with the newly announced 3D features before they went public.

We created the next-to-you layer Outside Art 3D to showcase the 3D models in Augmented Reality space. Outside Art 3D lets you explore lost art installations in a new local context: they appear just right next to you, no matter where you are.

The screenshot shows some lost art of Otto Herbert Hajek. It was originally set up for J. Dobler GmbH in Kaufbeuren, Allgäu, Germany, in 1968-69 but dismantled in 2004. The photo was taken in front of the baroque castle in Ludwigsburg, South Germany.

In terms of 3D modeling we worked together with Visenso, Stuttgart.


Visit the Hoppala Outside Art 3D gallery on Flickr.

About Marc

Marc René Gardeya is founder and CEO of Hoppala Agency, Germany. He built and operates Hoppala Augmentation, the world's largest developer community and content creation tool for geobased AR, and he received international recognition for rebuilding the Berlin Wall in AR on a consumer mobile device. He built AR experiences for several international campaigns, large scale tourism applications as well as non-profit educational projects. Marc is developing core technology in the field of mobile augmented reality and computer vision. He built the real time SLAM 3D optical tracker and the foundations of the monocular 3D reconstruction system on an iPad2 for Dekko Inc., San Francisco. He is an international speaker, mentor and trainer. Marc has a Masters degree in Mathematics and Computer Science and has been working in the field of software engineering for more than 10 years.
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